Mill Media launches its second publication on Ghost with The Londoner

Velocity Flow implemented the design by Jenny Miles, deployed Plausible privacy-first analytics, and supported the launch.

The medium for The Londoner is e-mail, to increase signups we created a full-screen cover, shown once per day for visitors who are not subscribers.

To increase reach we enabled the modern WebShare functionality for easy sharing of articles on both Desktop and Mobile.

Launching with a exclusive story on British MP Jas Athwal, widely reported across multiple other media outlets, writers Miles Ellingham, Hannah Williams, and Andrew Kersley publish several times a week on

Founder Joshi Herrmann writes...

Instead of a play review, we'll detail the clash of personalities behind that theatre that keeps pulling shows; instead of an exhaustive blow-by-blow recounting of the day at Westminster, we’ll delve into a single line in a council report which is set to change what time you get kicked out of the bars in Soho. Our stories will take you to the best parties and tell you which landlords to avoid. The Londoner is here to deliver a form of journalism that is compelling, revelatory and, above all, fun.

Read the full text on The Londoner

The case for a new London newspaper
‘One hell of an opening gambit’